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You may also visit this link https://inventingwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/InventorsHandbookforWomen.pdf (copy and paste in your browser) to access the Handbook.
7 Inventors Share their Lessons in Leveraging Your Ideas to Create Your Next “Big Thing.”
In addition to the IW eBook, as a special thank you here are several bonus audio programs (more than 5 hours of valuable advice to maximize your inventor experience. They include:
- Interview with Laura McLaren, Inventor of the Cleavage Caddy
- How to Package, Market and Sell Your Invention with Joan Lefkowitz
- Interview with Tomima Edmark, Topsy Tail Inventor
- Interview with Denyse DuBrucq, EdD. – Inventor, Educator
- Interview with Julie Rhodes, Inventor of Kleen Slate
- Meet Sarah Miller Caldicott , CoAuthor Innovate Like Edison
- How to Get your Inventions Into the Right Stores with Jim DeBetta
Access the recordings here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/InventingWomen/IWInterviewsA.zip (this is a zip file – right click and save to your computer)
(to access Denyse DuBrucq, visit: https://s3.amazonaws.com/InventingWomen/DenyseDubrucq.mp3