Here is the beginning of a list of eCourses offered on a variety of topics relative to inventions, including marketing, sales, licensing, the patent process, trademarks, idea generations, and more.
If you have an ecourse relating to inventions and the invention process, and would like to have it listed here, please contact Heidi (at)
Inventing 101 Free Online Course ~ Beginning Steps for Inventors; As an individual in the early idea stages, are you experiencing both excitement AND frustration right now? On the one hand, do you see the rewards and potential..
Provisional Patent Course: Do-It-Yourself Provisional Patent™ is available for FREE as a downloadable collection of 20 low-resolution videos that last about 9 minutes each. You can also purchase a continuous, high-resolution version of Do-It-Yourself Provisional Patent™ on DVD mailed to your address for $29.95. To obtain the free version of Do-It-Yourself Provisional Patent™, please email them at