… When You Don’t Have the Time, the Talent or the Patience to Write it Yourself!

Inventing Women, Women of Wisdom® and Women in Ecommerce are excited to present this series of teleclasses to “Help Women Get Their Book From their Head and Heart to Published Product.” Here is your chance to attend the Virtual event that is both educational and inspirational and will help you realize your own dreams and goals of Writing a Book!

Today’s program is How to Use a Ghostwriter to Write Your Book When You Don’t Have the Time, the Talent or the Patience to Write it Yourself! with Mary Anne Hahn


About this session: In this session, you will learn exactly what a ghostwriter is, what she/he does, how to work with a ghostwriter, when to work with a ghostwriter,  what a ghostwriter charges, where and how to find ghostwriters and more for your first book or your next book! And More!

ABOUT Mary Anne Hahn: A longtime advocate for writers of all genres, Mary Anne Hahn launched the e-zine “WriteSuccess” back in August 2000, and later developed the accompanying Web site at http://writesuccess.com . Over the years, she has written numerous articles on writing and the writing life, shared hundreds of resources for writers and posted market information, contest announcements and writing job opportunities in order to help writers develop successful writing careers.

In 2008, Mary Anne realized that resources for both established and aspiring ghost writers were scattered and somewhat limited; as a longtime ghost writer herself, she decided that there should be one centralized place where ghost writers can find information, resources, support and more opportunities to connect with potential clients.  As a result, the International Association of Professional Ghost Writers was born.

Today’s session is the sixth in our series of interviews with best-selling authors, top editors, agents, and publishers, the Women’s Writing & Publishing Event offers writers the opportunity to meet the people who can make a difference in their writing career. These classes are sure to be an important learning experience for aspiring and seasoned writers alike.

If you are unable to attend and would like to have access to the recordings of this and at least a dozen other interviews planned, you can buy a 6 week pass by clicking on the PayPal link below. Your investment for this series is on $17!  And if you are not happy with your purchase for ANY reason, we will give you a 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked!

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