Joan Lefkowitz, an original marketer of TopsyTail tm, is president of ACCESSORY BRAINSTORMS, Inc, a licensing agency, sales representation and consultancy for Fashion/Beauty Accessory and Lifestyle Inventions. From its showroom in New York’s ‘accessories district, it licenses inventors’ products to major corporations and markets to Mail Order Catalogues, TV Shopping programs and retail.
Some very successful products we have launched have been TOPSY TAIL (which sold over $100m at retail), HAIRDINI, HOLLYWOOD FASHION TAPES, and MISS OOPS and, most recently, BOSOM BUTTON, LUMBARWEAR, WHIRL-A-STYLE, WINKEE, R.E.M. SPRING (hair removal tool) and TAG TAMERS…Specializing in representing unique products and inventions since 1984, she is always interested in seeing new products in these categories. ACCESSORIES Magazine awarded her for the “Most Inventive Products” and also cited her as one of the 100 most important accessories industry “Movers and Shakers”. You can visit: for more information.
In this session you will learn the hallmarks of a good invention, what should be included in your inventors marketing plan, the key elements that go into packaging a product for market, how to develop a name for your product, marketing strategies to get your product into the hands of your ideal customer, how to approach retailers to carry your product, licensing options and other marketing tips for inventors who are ready to take their product to market.
To attend, send an email to info (at) with ”RSVP Market Inventions” in the subject line.
I am presently the owner of a patent pending invention which appears to be stalled in the marketing stage. i am seeking assistance in moving this idea forward. your assistance is solicited.