17 Interviews with Authors, Publishers and Writing Experts

You can purchase the entire 17 interview series (including workbook) for only $17! (scroll to end for more information)

How to Work with a Co-author to Write, Promote and Market a Best Seller with Bob Burg
In this session, Bob Burg will talk about how he and John David Mann started writing together, why they chose the subject matter they did, what their goals were, how they achieved their goals and worked together cohesively to produce not one, but two international best-selling books, The Go-Giver and Go-Givers Sell More. He will also share some tips to make your book more visible in the marketplace, develop promotional partners and more.

Purposeful Writing… to Produce a Powerful Product – Your Book! And How to Get It Noticed Online with Carma Spence Pothitt

In this session Carma will talk about how she came up with the idea for her book, Home Sweet Home Page,  what goes into the preparation of a book,how long it took to write,   as well as the content of the book and how it can help other authors create more visibility in the marketplace and go from virtual unknown to internet celebrity.  She will share some joint-venture tips as well as how she is promoting her book online and  some SEO tips to help you create a compelling website to sell more books.

with Jina Bacarr

In this session Jina will talk about how she became a Romance Novelist in the Erotica Genre, what led her down the path to erotica in the first place,  including the challenges and rewards of being a fiction writer and  how she got  her first book deal. She will talk about how she used a vision board to come up with story ideas and and how her first book  lead to others. Jina will also share how she promotes her books online using several websites and other social media.

with Lynn Serafin

In this session Lynn is going to talk abut how to work with a book promotion coach.  How to develop long-term relationships that will help the author create a whirlwind book promotion event using social media, blog tours, joint venture partnerships and more.  Lynn will talk about how her book, The Garden of the Soul reached Amazon bestseller status in both the UK and US in the New Age, Mind-Body-Spirit, Spirituality and Self-Help categories using these same strategies and how you too can produce an event of similar proportions with the right people, planning and implementation.

with Shelley Lieber

Publishing has changed more in the past year than it has in the previous 50. And the rate of change is getting faster and faster. The rules that seemed to be written in stone have begun to erode and are disappearing entirely.

Change is exciting and confusing at the same time. There are more opportunities to get published than ever before—if you know what you’re doing. Now, with all the changes, it’s harder than ever to know what to do. And, wrong decisions can be costly errors. But what if you had the right information to guide you to the next step—no matter where you are right now? In this session, Shelley will talk about how to choose between traditional and self publishing, how to avoid scams, how to build a community (audience) for your book and more!

How to Use a Ghostwriter to Write Your Book When You Don’t Have The Time, The Talent or The Patience to Write it Yourself! with Mary Anne Hahn

In this session,  you will learn exactly what a ghostwriter is, what she/he does, how to work with a ghostwriter, when to work with a ghostwriter,  what a ghostwriter charges, where and how to find ghostwriters and more for your first book or your next book! And More!

Sell More Books and Gain Valuable Clients with Your Social Media Promotion Platform with Judy Collins

In this session Judy is going to Focus  on Linkedin, but you can apply these strategies to Facebook and to Twitter

Maybe you’ve got your feet wet with social media marketing. You joined Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. But, not much has happened. Maybe you just need to know what to do next, and how to do it. And know it works with a little effort. And now you can!

I will help you find the right audiences on Linkedin to connect with and interact with to showcase your credibility and gain more visability than almost any other online marketing. Good for book sales; great for best clients; good to get only your target audience traffic to your website (that’s a key to time & money saving;) and good to build fans around your

“I relate to you not quite active. I sat on Linked for a few months and didn’t get much action. Now, after one year, my targeted book and coaching audience has grown over 25% a month with 12 new clients in a month, and going up! That means community with my blog and book sales to match. It’s much more than I ever dreamed of! I’m so excited, I want to share as much of it as I can in this short time to help you optimize your Linkedin social
media marketing for your book and business  promtoion platform.”

Why Linkedin? If you are a small business, a coach, consultant, marketing or author who has a book as your business, this kind of networking-marketing is a must.

Maybe you’ve joined and even put up a profile. There is more to know to get your specific audiences to your selling website.

Questions that will get attention and answers on this call:

1. Why isn’t my Linkedin profile getting a lot of visitors and people to my
site?  (maybe it’s your content)
2. Am I marketing my book or business to my right audience on social media?

3. Did  I know my purpose on Linked (or Facebook or Twitter)
before I got active?
4. How can I get started on LI (or FB or Twitter) today?
5. Which LI tactics work best? least? ( now you can stop wasting time and
do only what works!)
6. How much time does it take to optimize my LI presence?
7. How can I test what’s working what’s not?
8. How does Linkedin affect my blog traffic?

with Pamela Slim, Best-selling Author of Escape From Cubicle Nation

In this session, Pam will walk us through the evolution of her blog to book, how it came to be a national bestseller, how she found a publisher and why she started her blog  Escape From Cubicle Nation, in the first place. She will give us an overview of her own writing journey, how she promoted her blog to garner enough attention to turn it into a book, her writing journey and so much more.

Pam will also share lots of great tips for bloggers who want to become published authors.

with John Kremer

In this session John Kremer, Best-selling Author of 1,001 Ways to Market Your Book will share his expertise in creating an Amazon Bestseller, the Pros and Cons, Ins and Outs and Do’s and Don’t.  He will also discuss several other ways you can market and sell more books on Amazon (20 to be exact).

How to Write Your eBook and Sell More Copies ~ The Smooth Sale™ Waywith Elinor Stutz

Did you know that a book is the #1 way to build credibility for your business and attract new


In this Session you will learn:
• Advantages and disadvantages for traditional methods
• Why e-books brings a quicker ROI
• Secrets for quickly writing your book
• How to promote on social media
• What people buy!

Benefits of writing an e-book:
• Another source of income
• Immediate credibility
• Attract new audiences to your core business

You will be encouraged and motivated to succeed!

How to Discover Your Authentic Voice on the page and in the world with Julia McCutchen

One of the challenges facing authors today is to stand out from the crowd in what has become a busy international marketplace. Whether you choose traditional or self-publishing, your voice needs to be heard for you to realise your full creative potential and achieve genuine long term success.

Discovering your authentic voice – on the page and in the world – is the most powerful way to share your unique gifts, insights and stories with as wide an audience as possible. When authenticity empowers all that you think, say, do, and write, your natural charisma will attract the right people and the right opportunities in to your life to support your vision of successful published authorship.

You will learn:

· What your authentic voice truly is, where to look for it and how you will personally benefit from finding it

· 5 simple yet profound steps to access your authentic voice

· Why it is important to work consciously with the full creative cycle

· How to align inner truth with outer expression so that your writing has maximum impact and you write what you are here to write

· Core principles for authentic action to create a solid author platform in the world to connect with your audience

with Nancy J. Flint

About this session: 1. Copyright – registration (why register?); work made for hire or assignment (there IS a difference); what is (and is not) protected by copyright; and use of material from others (fair use or not?).1. Copyright – registration (why register?); work made for hire or assignment (there IS a difference); what is (and is not) protected by copyright; and use of material from others (fair use or not?).2. Liability for invasion of rights of privacy – disclosure of private facts; false light (libel/slander); rights of publicity.3. Trademark – trademark issues for authors.4. Contracts – need for written, valid contracts; contracts with publishers; contracts for use of third party materials

with Andrea Campbell

About this session:
In order to succeed in this industry, you, the writer, must know it intimately from all sides. If you were a clothing designer: you wouldn’t start without creative talent, the right materials, and a pattern to guide you. If you opened up a retail business, you wouldn’t expect to: sell your products without knowing how to produce or restock your merchandise; you wouldn’t open your doors without having a business foundation or center from which to sell, and you wouldn’t try operating without a market strategy or knowing the competition. So why would you expect writing to be any different? Yet thousands of would-be authors do. They buy into the philosophy that if I just pen a terrific book, then I will become successful.

In this session Andrea will discuss:

How the publishing business works
What the key players do and how to find them
How to describe your product and its features
How to Ride the wave of rejection with style and grace
How to Make yourself a dream client/writer/author
And More!

with Robin Hoffman

About this session: A spark of inspiration motivates you to write a book, but it’s the decisions you make moving forward that will make or break your book’s chances for success.Passion alone isn’t enough. For your book to reap the rewards you desire, you must also be Pragmatic and take the steps that will help your book reach its highest potential. When you know the 5 most common rookie mistakes beforehand, you can save time, money, and heartache–freeing you to enjoy the exciting breakthrough process of becoming an author.

You will learn:

Why over 90% of all books published sell fewer than 99 copies a year and what to do about it.
How authors inadvertently make their books unreadable, and how you can write a page turner.
Three key steps you can take to write a book that sells.
What you can do to ensure your book actually makes a difference.
How to stay in love with your book all the way through publication and beyond.

with Stephanie Chandler

About this session: There is still a lot of confusion about the different types of publishing options, from traditional to self-publishing. If an author goes the traditional route she needs to understand how to find and work with a literary agent, the difference between query letters and book proposals, book advances and what to expect from traditonal publishing houses as well as the pros and cons of self-publishing. In this session Stephanie Chandler will address these issues from a custom book publisher perspective.

How to Host a Kick-Butt Virtual Event with Joint-Venture Partners to Promote and Sell Your Bookswith Jami Lin

ABOUT THIS SESSION: In this session, Jami is going to share her secrets to running a successful virtual event to promote her best-selling book “Color Alchemy.” She will discuss how she found people to entertain, inspire and educate people on various cultural, holistic and artistic topics, how she put together a promotional message that created a WAVE across the internet and how she promoted her book and her joint-venture partners to create a win-win event people are still talking about today, The Color Alchemy Virtual Conference.

ABOUT THIS SESSION: In this session Donna is going to share her “secrets” to leveraging your writing strengths and eliminate your weaknesses. She will talk about how you create a schedule to get your book is completely done by your deadline. She will talk about how to select content that will make your book a marketing tool for you and your business. Her session will include the 2 most important sentences you will ever write as well as:
— > How to get “book buy-in” from your family members
— > How to create the “write” environment
Donna will share how to avoid the biggest mistakes aspiring authors make, including:
— > Starting with the wrong chapter
— > Not preparing for emotional curveballs
— > Trying to publish before they write
Plus a pep talk to get you started and Write a Book in a Weekend!

Click on the author’s names to learn more about them.

The The Women’s Writing Series is available for sale ~ you can purchase the entire 17 interview series (including workbook) for only $47 $17!