flasksm.jpg The magazine for women with ideas whose time has come! Inventing Women is an organization and resource portal for women who want to take an idea from that first “spark” to market. It might be an idea for a new product, service, book or other tools that others will find of value. We are on the verge of an exciting time in HERstory. A time to create and leave your legacy for posterity. And Inventing Women is here to help!

There are many steps involved in getting an idea “off the ground” and into the hands its intended audience. The good news is that no matter where you are in the process, Inventing Women is here to help you. We are gathering tools, resources, and experts in one place to help you succeed. If you have a product, service, or idea the world has been waiting for, there has never been a better time to develop it! As an inventor, author or product creator, you undoubtedly know that having an idea is only the beginning. The road to getting your idea to market is a long and often disappointing one. For instance, if the statistics are correct, that 95% of all inventions are never fully realized either tangibly or financially. Even with the ease of self-publishing over traditional publishing, thousands of books never get published. And if you have an idea for a product in an industry with lots of competition (beauty and fashion are two such industries that come to mine), your chances of success are often not optimistic.

Inventing Women Magazine want’s to help change the statistics, to slant them in your favor.  By giving women a platform to share about your work, our goal is to increase your reach and tap into a broader market base. We do that by sharing stories of women creators. Take a look at this list of topics we cover on Inventing Women Magazine. 

Inventors and Product Creators
Creativity and Innovation
Money Management and your Invention
The Creative Process
Research (i.e. how to research if an invention exists)
Testing your Inventions
Invention Events, Tradeshows, Conferences, etc.
From Concept to Design – bringing an invention to life
Critical thinking skills
Marketing Your Invention
Making Money with Your Invention
Licensing Your Invention
Author Interviews
The Writing Process
Book Reviews
Writing Inspiration
Book Groups
Getting Started
Time Management
Writing Challenges
Author Events
Book Launches
Book Promotion
Where to Sell Your Book
Other topics
Cross Promotion, Partnering, Collaboration
Internet Marketing for Creators
Social Media for Creators
Speaking as a Promotional Tool
Any idea, topic or discussion that would be relevant to inventors, authors and product creators is welcome to be reviewed.
If you are a female creator, represent a female creator, or write content about any of the topics above, we would love to hear from you!Check out our GET FEATURED page for more information on sharing your creator story.Submit your article ideas to us via our Contact Page. If we are interested, we will reply with the next steps.

Be sure and check out  “The Inventors Handbook” and dozens of additional resources to help you realize your dreams.

Getting your idea to market will require your total commitment. And Inventing Women Magazine wants to help you keep your commitment. Inventing Women’s goal is to create a powerful, positive environment for women with ideas whose time has come!